Summer in Vienna, part four

Today, I tried to find a few locations to see Vienna from above. The city is not known for its many skyscrapers. There are a few elevated places, however.
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Millennium Tower on Wikipedia
The Donauturm on Wikipedia

Of course, a blog post like this could never be complete without a few pictures of the Riesenrad.

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As usual, all images are available under a Creative Commons License

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6 thoughts on “Summer in Vienna, part four”

  1. Will you look at my new pix?

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    1. @squadrat is that the actual Harry Lime big wheel?

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      1. @jonskol That’s the one, yes.

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        1. @squadrat they made them to last in them days

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          1. @jonskol Absolutely. I’m glad we still have it. It’s privately owned, and shutting it down has been considered at times.

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          2. @squadrat they should make it a national monument

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