My Personal Viennale ’10 Programme

Viennale is the annual Vienna film festival, which usually takes up the second half of October. During these days, I spend considerable time in the five festival theatres. It’s a great opportunity to catch a lot of films that I could otherwise never see at all, let alone on the big screen. There are a few mainstream productions shown, but I’m in a habit of steering clear of most of them.

This is my personal programme for 2010. If you would like to meet up, feel free to contact me on facebook, twitter or via mail at squadrat @ this domain (

23.10.2010 21:00 – Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu
24.10.2010 13:00 – The Dubai in Me – Rendering the World
24.10.2010 16:00 – Japan: A Story of Love and Hate
24.10.2010 18:30 – Dansa als esperits
24.10.2010 23:30 – Smash His Camera

26.10.2010 13:30 – American Grindhouse
26.10.2010 18:00 – Die verrückte Welt der Ute Bock
26.10.2010 21:00 – The Forgotten Space
27.10.2010 21:00 – Cuchillo de palo
27.10.2010 23:30 – Bezvucni pad gravitacije

28.10.2010 23:30 – Exit Through the Gift Shop
29.10.2010 23:00 – Marwencol
30.10.2010 01:00 – High School
31.10.2010 13:30 – Los jóvenes muertos

01.11.2010 21:00 – Mein Haus stand in Sulukule
02.11.2010 20:30 – The Pier of Apolonovka