Am Schauplatz: 100 Kilo zu viel!

154 Kilo Mensch.

Im Dezember 2018 strahlte der ORF eine Reportage über Adipositaschirurgie, nicht zuletzt im Wiener AKH, aus. Ich habe sie mir nach der OP wieder angesehen. Die handelnden Personen sind zum Teil die, die auch mich operiert haben.

Mir fällt dazu sehr viel ein, und ich habe ein bisschen mitgeschrieben. Continue reading „Am Schauplatz: 100 Kilo zu viel!“

Hear Me Sing

Last night I went to choir practice for the first time in over a year. Mentioning the fact on twitter naturally led to the question what we do, so I went on youtube to see if they had a few examples of the music we like. Turns out they had, and not just of the music, but also of us performing.

A word of caution: These are random recordings that don’t show us at our best; although I really don’t think youtube is right to link to Jimmy’s Infantile Spasms in the related videos column.

In 2009, a few of us went to Milan to take part in a festival called Politicanto. It was great fun and we met a lot of wonderful people there.

In Vienna, every Friday the 13th is celebrated in it’s own unique way. It’s about having fun, but it’s also a political statement, taking back the public space and making parts of society visible that tends to stay hidden.